Finding a Summer Job

So, if you want to do something different with your life, then teaching abroad is a great way to see the world and experience new types of culture. People normally do this for a full-fledged career, but you could do it as a summer job.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether you are trying to build a teaching career and want experience or are simply looking for a way to explore the world and contribute to local people. There is usually a program for you out there. With that being said, there are a lot of options involved in teaching English as a foreign language for a summer job, so let’s take a look at what you need to know, where you should be looking for these types of jobs, and if you need any certifications.

Finding a Program

First, you’ll need to start looking online to get the information you need. There are more than a few misconceptions which you’ll need to throw out the window if you want to stand any chance at teaching abroad in the summer. 

You need to remember that, first and foremost, your summer job won’t be as long as other teaching contracts. You’ll need to keep in mind that a lot of the advice you might get across the web needs a little modification to say the least. However, there are a lot of short-term teaching jobs out there that would be good for you, too – you just have to be prepared to adapt to different circumstances. 

Asking the Big Questions

Before looking for a summer teaching position, there are two big questions to ask. Let’s break down each one together:

1. Where in the world do you want to go?

English teachers are needed all over the world. However, the place you choose to visit will be influenced by what you want from your summer job.  If you want to make money, you should visit places in either Asia or the Middle East. The salaries in these places are higher than in other countries. A lot of career teachers go to these locations for money. You can also look at volunteer positions – they often give you small perks for your time or paid accommodation. You might not make much money, but you’ll get much experience. 

If you want to go somewhere with a lower cost of living, then your best bet will be to visit South America. The salary is lower than other places, but the cost of living is lower too. You should try looking for a summer teaching job here instead of somewhere like North America. Africa is also a good place for low-cost living – there are a lot of places where the average cost of living is low, but the salary can be good. There are also a lot of summer teaching positions on offer, which is nice.

If you’re looking for a summer position a little closer to home, there are summer camps scattered across Europe, offering things like varying positions and pay. However, one advantage is that it can be a cheap way of travelling, which can help a lot with seeing the world.

If you want to learn a new language while you work, there are many positions locally available in your areas of choice – you’ll need to search at your discretion. For example, Morocco has opportunities because Arabic is a high-demand job skill. With that same opportunity in mind, if you teach in Argentina, you’ll learn a lot of Spanish quickly, which is a good idea for an ESL teacher. Just a warning, though – the typical South American semester is February to December, so you might struggle to find a summer position, especially when most holidays occur in July. 

If you want to explore and see the world more than you want a salary, your best bet is to focus on finding an area which is out of the way and try to pick countries where teaching feels like less of a burden. More of an exciting activity for all involved – it’ll make a massive difference moving forward. 

Louise Time teaching english in spain

2. What kind of teaching position do you want to secure?

So, here’s the thing – there are a lot of teaching positions around for you to check out. For example, you could find a government position, or at an independent academy, or even as a volunteer in a local public school run by a few people in a village. There’s something for everyone when it comes to this type of thing.

Your best bet is often to find a program that delivers a specific teaching job you want to explore for yourself. These programs often help out with placements, certifications and visas. Another option is to go to a school directly – they can help you arrange a placement.

If you want to find a summer teaching job specifically, things tend to get a little more complex when you look at what’s on offer. Your best bet will be to focus on finding positions at summer camps across Europe.  That doesn’t mean you have no other options. It’s worth noting that these types of camps will see you working mostly with children, many of whom are young and speak other languages, so if you’re not comfortable with this, it is sensible to look for other placements.

The issue for many is that short-term contracts don’t cover the summer, and many schools and other places are on break during this period – this makes finding a placement difficult but not impossible. 

There are a lot of job requirements to keep in mind, which can make a big difference to your search. You’ll want to have a TEFL qualification if possible to ensure that when you look for a job, you compete with others on a more level playing field.

This certification can be especially helpful if you apply for a summer job outside of camps and other similar options – placements in real schools and institutions, so you’ll need to be ready to showcase that you’re capable of offering a good education to students. 

Our Top Strategies For Finding a Summer Teaching Job

It can be hard to try and find the right summer teaching job for your needs. Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks you can incorporate to get the best results – let’s talk about them:

1. Do your research 

Looking for a summer teaching job is hard if you don’t have a frame of reference. You should try and find accounts from people who have already done this before. If you ask for the contact details of former teachers, you can connect with them about their experiences doing this as a summer job. It will help you to know what you’re getting yourself in for.

2. Accept every position is different

Unfortunately, not all teaching positions are made equally. There are a lot of positions where the perks aren’t what they seem, or you’ll only work 25 hours a week – you need to know what you’re signing up for, which can vary a lot. You may have to compromise to teach in a place you like. 

3. Consider your needs

Securing a visa and confirming your travel arrangements can be time-consuming, so it is important to put aside time to evaluate your needs. You’ll need to apply for a visa, which can take a while. You may have to demonstrate your skill set, and submitting documents and filling out forms takes time. 

4. Apply ahead of schedule whenever possible

When in doubt, always apply for stuff ahead of time. Doing so gives you time to evaluate the place you want to work for to make sure it’s suitable, make any necessary travel arrangements, and prepare for your summer teaching job. 

5. Always have a contingency plan in place

Lots of bad things can happen during the planning stage of your summer job. Your visa approval might get delayed, or the teaching job you get might not meet expectations. You should have a list of alternative positions and consider backup options. It never hurts to have a different plan if it looks like yours will fall apart. 

6. Broaden your search

If it looks like your role will be too elusive in your initial location. roaden your horizons and look at similar roles in other parts of the world. If you’re feeling adventurous, pick a random place on the map and see the options. It’s always good to get out of your comfort zone.

Our Final Recommendations

Starting a new summer teaching job can get chaotic and stressful pretty quickly. Here are our top tips on how to make your experience easier.

Accumulate teaching experience as fast as you can. If you don’t have experience or a formal degree, look for opportunities to gain practical exposure or knowledge before you get out there! You can volunteer in your local area, delve into online teaching resources, and consult other teachers for wisdom. 

You’ll need to be able to adapt to classroom dynamics pretty fast. You should be mindful that teaching in a foreign setting offers unique challenges for people seeking a summer job. Classroom life may vary widely depending on location, from disciplinary methods to how people learn. Get to know the local norms and stay culturally sensitive and open-minded.

Think about your expectations for teaching. While teaching young minds abroad might sound fun, you need to have realistic expectations about your job. Remember, you’re a guest in their country, not a magical figure who will change hearts and minds. You should try to excel in your role but don’t pressure yourself to be above and beyond all the time. 

You need also to make sure you stay resilient. Job hunting, especially for summer jobs, can be tough. It is true that many people successfully teach abroad each year, and you can join them. You should stop and think about why you’re doing this, and ensure you have a strong enthusiasm for teaching. It’ll make all the difference.

Final Thoughts

A summer teaching job can be a lot of fun. Loads of people do it every year, but you need to be aware that a lot of prep work is required. Looking on job boards and signing up for programs can make a big difference in finding a role.

A TEFL certification will help you a lot, and exploring what’s on offer is important. It might take a little while to find the right position for you – summer contracts aren’t for everywhere – but once you do, you can start an exciting new journey.

Teaching English as a foreign language is a great opportunity, even just for a summer. You’ll see a part of the world you’ve never visited and get a chance to enjoy all that the world has to offer. We definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to do something good with their summer. Finding a position won’t be easy, but you can get through if you keep at it and apply with a qualification.

Of course, we’re happy to help with this process. We know how hard it can be to figure out how to approach this type of job, which is why we’re happy to offer advice and support. We’ve got staff who have been on summer placements before, and they can show you the ropes, so don’t hesitate to contact us. 

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